Mastodon East Canyon 22X Neighborhood Council: Crime Stats

Crime Stats

We are pleased to announce to our Neighborhood Council that we feel, with the help of Giovanne Guzman our new CRO, we will be able to provide monthly crime statistics.

Here are the statistics for 22x for January - May 2018(with a comparison to last year)

MARCH 1- MAY 15 2017                                         MARCH 1- MAY 15 2018

1 robberies(6)                                                             1. robberies (7)
2 burglaries (11)                                                         2. burglaries (11)
3 stolen vehicles(19)                                                  3. stolen vehicles(27)
4 assaults(4)                                                               4. assaults(5)
5 homicides(0)                                                           5. homicides(1)