Mastodon East Canyon 22X Neighborhood Council: Current Bylaws

Current Bylaws

Amended and Restated Charter and Bylaws
22X Neighborhood Council
Dimond, Lincoln Heights, Montera, Oakmore, Woodminster
Approved by 22x Steering Committee 1-2017
Passed at the 22X General Membership Meeting 2-2017 

The name of this organization shall be the “22X Neighborhood Council” (NC 22X), called for in Resolution No. 79235 C.M.S. of the City Council of the City of Oakland, California, agreed in council May 17, 2005, to provide a structured approach to community involvement in community policing.


To work together as 22X community members, in partnership with officials and agencies of the City of Oakland, to solve problems that lead to crime. Our Neighborhood Council emphasizes strengthening relationships among residents, promoting inclusive public safety, and enhancing the quality of life in our beat.

Oakland Community Policing Beat 22X (Area 22X) encompasses the Oakland neighborhoods known as Dimond, Lincoln Heights, Montera, Oakmore and Woodminster. Area 22X is shown in Appendix A, as a map of Oakland Community Policing Beat 22X. NC 22X is an unincorporated association intended to be operated in a manner consistent with entities formed exclusively for the charitable and educational purpose described above. This organization follows a democratic process where majority vote rules.

NC 22X activities and events (including NAG activities and events) are focused in Beat 22X. Activities and resources provided by Steering Committee members or NAGs outside of Beat 22X are to be pre-approved by the Steering Committee.

Membership is open to all those who live, work, or own property within one half mile of the confines of Beat 22X. The NC will strive to include community needs and interests, such as, but not limited to: community organizations, service groups, Neighborhood Watch groups, faith organizations, youth groups, labor unions, merchants associations, and school parent-teacher organizations. The Neighborhood Council should include diverse voices, particularly voices from marginalized groups (such as people of color and transgender people).

There is no fee required for general membership; however, donations may be accepted to support the efforts of the NC.

Rights Reserved to Members. The following rights are reserved to members of the NC 22X:

  1. Election of the members of the NC 22X Steering Committee pursuant to Section 6.
  2. Privilege of removal of the members of the NC 22X Steering Committee, pursuant to Section 6.
  3. Initiation of amendments to these Bylaws pursuant to Section 10.
  4. The right to one vote. Fractional votes are not permitted.

NC 22X shall have a steering committee (the Steering Committee), and should consist of four NC  officers (two Co-Chairs, Secretary, Treasurer), ideally representative of the residential and merchant communities that comprise Beat 22X, including but not limited to Dimond, Oakmore, Lincoln Heights, Montera and Woodminster, not to exceed a total of 15 members. The Steering Committee shall be elected at the annual meeting of the general membership. Vacancies on the Steering Committee may be filled at any Steering Committee meeting and confirmed at the next General Membership meeting. Any City representative shall be a non-voting ex-officio member of the Steering Committee.

As necessary, NC 22X shall form committees, known as Neighborhood Action Groups (NAGs), focused on specific issues of concern to the members of NC 22X, such as: (i) crime and safety, (ii) traffic management, (iii) area beautification, and (iv) economic development. Members of NC 22X may join existing NAGs or organize new NAGs for other purposes. New NAGs are to be approved by majority vote of the Steering Committee. Each NAG consists of a Chair or Co-Chairs and a Recorder, chosen by majority vote of any NAG members present and for a term not to exceed one year.

Steering Committee shall vote for officers at Steering Committee meetings.
The criteria for nomination to the Steering Committee shall be as follows:
  • The nominee should have attended a minimum of one general membership meeting, plus one other NC meeting of any type (general membership, NAG, or Steering Committee).
  • To be elected as a merchant area representative, the candidate must be a merchant in that area or designated representative of the merchant.
  • To be elected as a resident at large representative, the candidate must reside within that residential area, or within one half mile of its boundary outside of Area 22X, or meet criteria as defined in Section 4.3 of City Council Resolution 79235: “Neighborhood Councils shall strive to include representatives of a variety of organizations sensitive to community needs and interests, such as, but not limited to, community organizations, service groups, Home Alert Groups, church organizations, youth groups, labor unions, merchant associations, school-parent teacher organizations, as well as interested members of the community”.

The Steering Committee slate shall be presented to the membership by the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee should strive to present a slate that represents the Steering Committee format designated in Section 4 of these Bylaws (4. STEERING COMMITTEE). The Nominating Committee will also present which members of the slate have been nominated as Steering Committee Officers (Co-Chairs, Secretary, and Treasurer). Nominations for the Steering Committee or its officers may also be made from the floor at the general membership meeting just prior to the general membership meeting at which elections are to be held. In the event of a vacancy in the Steering Committee, upon instruction of the Steering Committee, the Nominating Committee will present one or more nominees for election to the Steering Committee at any duly called meeting of the general membership.

One or more of the Co-Chairs, or a designee appointed by a majority vote of the Steering Committee, shall preside at meetings of the general membership of NC 22X and meetings of the Steering Committee. A Chair’s duties and powers are strictly limited to the following: monitor the time during meetings, adhere to the established courtesies of NC 22X, follow the agenda, and provide equal opportunity for all participants to speak.

The Secretary or a designee shall record the minutes of the annual meeting of the general membership and other meetings of the general membership of NC 22X and of the Steering Committee and shall record all votes taken. The Secretary shall also keep a current list of the names and addresses of active members and perform correspondence and other duties as directed by the Steering Committee.

The Treasurer shall monitor and keep records of funds, accept donations on behalf of NC 22X, hold funds, and disburse funds as directed by the Steering Committee.

Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee shall present a slate of candidates and officers at the annual meeting of the general membership of NC 22X. The Nominating Committee will consist of no more than five volunteers from the Steering Committee or the general membership of NC 22X, and voted on by the Steering Committee.

No member shall receive compensation for any services rendered to NC 22X. However, a member may be reimbursed for reasonable, actual, pre-approved expenses incurred in the performance of duties on behalf of NC 22X.

Term of Steering Committee Members
Unless they resign, are removed, or become deceased, all Steering Committee Members and Officers shall serve a term of one (1) year and will last until the next Election Meeting of the general membership. All terms of office shall begin at the end of an Election Meeting. There shall be no term limits.

Vacancies of Officers
A vacancy of any Officer (Co-chair, Secretary, Treasurer) shall be filled in accordance with the following procedure:

  1. By majority vote, the Steering Committee shall appoint a member of the NC 22X to temporarily serve and will seek to hold an Election Meeting to fill the position for the unexpired portion of the term as soon as possible.

Powers and Veto
No single Steering Committee or NAG member shall have the power to veto or overrule any plans or actions that have been passed by the Steering Committee or General Membership, nor shall they take any action that conflicts with these bylaws.