Mastodon East Canyon 22X Neighborhood Council: Kaleidoscope


Oaklanders Want Safer Streets!

Who doesn’t think crime is a problem in Oakland? Whether we’re talking about bipping (breaking car windows and stealing items from the car), stolen vehicles, reckless driving, small-business burglaries, organized retail theft, armed robberies, or, the worst, homicides, Oaklanders want it all to STOP! Yesterday!

We’re much more likely to see news headlines about the crimes than the work local officials are doing to make Oakland Safer. State and local officials all know we want safer streets, and they are working toward that goal.

Here’s a brief snapshot of current efforts. We cannot include everything here. You can find more information at most of the links provided below.


Auto Burglary and Carjackings


Using Technology to Locate Crime Suspects

But what about the privacy commission? Will they allow it?

Traffic Safety

Organized Retail Theft

What’s Mayor Thao Doing?