Mastodon East Canyon 22X Neighborhood Council: We Gathered; We Danced; We Talked; We Smiled :-)

We Gathered; We Danced; We Talked; We Smiled :-)

Thanks to everyone who showed up to make our cooperative neighborhood gathering a success! Please enjoy these photos. If you have nice photos from the day, please email me!

Photo of people gathered at the cooperative neighborhood gathering.
As the event heats up, Creighton Davis, Chair of the Community Policing Advisory Board arrives with food from Sweet Fingers.
Mayoral candidate Elbert Owens fills up his plate with cabbage and greens from Nitty Gritty.
Our Community Resource Officer, Aaron Johnson, gets in early on our Dance for Oakland!
As more neighbors are lured into our Dance for Oakland, Bonnie Sita of East Bay Dance Center leads the way.
After we have packed up, the chalk art design from Nick Gott of Sunrise Movement remains.